Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How to intern at the Scottish Parliament: Process.

Few FAQ before I begin: 1. There probably will not be as many pictures until I go to Scotland, and even then it may not be as many. This blog is meant to be informative for those whom are interested in interning or for those whom just want to know.

Like any other application the first thing you want to do is research and see if your school has a study abroad program with Scottish Parliament. For any UC student, you apply to the Scottish Parliament Internship program through UCEAP and BUNAC. For the non-UK people: some schools that may have this program include BYU and Arcadia University. If your school is not listed, don't fret just google, or apply directly through BUNAC. 

I'm a UCI student so unfortunately I am able to only provide the process from a UC standpoint; however, hopefully other information helps. So for all you UCEAP people, what do you go to your school's study abroad office, and fill out the UCEAP application. They'll tell you to go to orientations if its your first time in the office etc...fill out comparison sheets etc..... That's just general stuff. 

Here's the actual detailed process of application requirements need specifically for Scotland Parliament Internship. 

UC section:
Step 1:  Make sure you have a 3.0 GPA and MAINTAIN this gpa till you go to Scotland.
Step 2: go to, and create an account. 
On the right hand side click Current Applications, and scroll down and find Scotland Parliament Internship, UC Center. then Click, start the application. Fill out a Myeap profile which asks you things about passport, contacts etc.
Step 3:  Make sure you have 3 copies of cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV), official transcript, letter of recommendation, and photocopy of passport personal information page.
Step 4: Get 1 copy of your most transcript, Statement of Purpose, Academic Advising approval (if necessary), and print out the online myeap profile (signed.).

Step 5: Turn in everything to your study abroad office before your deadline. The earlier the better. 
Step 6: Start scholarship applications, fill out the uceap scholarship application requirements etc. 
Step 7: UCEAP notifies you in 3-5 months later if you applied in the spring. If it's in the fall I think in 3 months?
Step 8: if you've been accepted start doing BUNAC applications.
Step 9: send in a copy of your bank account statement (original preferred) most recent/ 90 days earliest to UCEAP. Make sure you have $2,500 in your bank account otherwise you can't go due to Tier 5 requirement. 
Step 10: Do this after BUNAC process: You will receive a Scotland Parliament Security Questionaire. Fill it out to the best of your abilities. If you are a first generation student your parents Naturalisation Certificate Number needs to be provided. Be sure they have their Certificates....and look for the red letter/number combination. Should be something like A1....Afterwards MAIL it in the envelope provided along with character reference (letter of recommendation) and visa copy to the Scottish Parliament. (if you do not receive the visa copy before the deadline MAIL it after to the Scottish Parliament.)

Tips on Cover letters and CVs...Be flexible but focus on YOUR interests, and how YOU can contribute as an intern. Also add some information about what you know about the Scottish Parliament so yes do some research on it.  Although I'm ecstatic about being accepted, I kind of regret being a bit vague on my interests because it wasn't what I exactly expected. Also if you have no idea whom to address your cover letter to, I'd say: To whom this may concern. 

Curriculum Vitae: (specialize this so it emphasizes your experiences).

BUNAC process: 
Step 1: go to and do that application. (Follow the UCEAP instructions and complete the application.) 
UCEAP will send a copy of your bank statement to them so do not worry about the funds part. Once your application is completed, verify with BUNAC that your application is done because it won't show up as completed. I actually had no idea if my application was ever done till I contacted BUNAC a month after my application.
Step 2: Wait for BUNAC's email and Tier 5 visa instructions.You CANNOT apply for a Tier 5 visa until you receive a Certificate of Sponsorship from BUNAC. (If you do not receive the email 2 months before you depart EMAIL BUNAC about it because the visa process will take 1.5-2 months to do.).

Visa process: 
Step 1: when you get the Certificate of Sponsorship and letters from BUNAC read the directions and follow them CAREFULLY. You will only be allowed to do a Government Authorized Exchange - Tier 5 visa.
Step 2: Go to the UKBA site and do the Entry Clearance Visa online form. Before November 19th 2013 it use to ask for Appendix 6 though that form does not exist so if it still shows up in your BUNAC instructions...ignore it. Just do the Entry clearance Visa online form. 
Step 3: Do the whole application in one go on a computer, if you have questions DO NOT call UKBA unless you want to pay $3.00 a minute. Contact BUNAC or other sponsorships and ask. 
Step 4: DOUBLE check/ TRIPLE check your information and make sure everything is correct! Otherwise you won't be able to change your information.
Step 5: Arrange a date and location (CLOSEST to you.) for the biometric scan appointment because you can't change it/it will be a pain to change if you don't get it right the first time. 
Step 6: Pay for visa application process through credit card. (200 pounds.) Estimation: 343.00 dollars or something like that.
Step 7: Once you get your biometric scans, send ORIGINAL documents (Certificate of Sponsorship, passport, passport photos 45cm x 35cm (go to Costco to take these photos.), biometric stamp receipt, and PRE-PAID RETURN shipping label to British Consulate Office in NY. 

Notes about the CURRENT Tier 5 visa application sections. There's an about you, contact information, passport information, family detail, immigration history, visa biometric scan etc.
For the Immigration history: ( look at your passport / past passports and enter in the dates you entered countries/ left etc) if you've traveled. As for the The Maintenance and funds section: Put 0 if unsure / list Certificate of Sponsorship.) 

DO NOT forget the PRE-PAID return shipping label and FOLLOW the instructions carefully/ but don't overthink it. If everything is done correctly it should take 1 week max. for you to send your visa application to NY and get your visa....if will take 3 weeks or longer. (Currently I'm still in the process of waiting for my visa application and it's been 23 days since I sent out my Tier 5 visa application.)  

Hopefully this information makes the process more clear? It's a bit tedious and complicated, but I hope this helps. Again if you have any questions, I'll answer to the best of my abilities. 

Until next time, cheers!


Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hi everyone! So firstly, yes I do have another blog that I will still update about my past experiences in Cambridge University; however, I thought I'd start a blog and this time (try) to blog as I go through the process of interning abroad at Scotland Parliament.

Unlike my other blog , this blog does focus on resources and the struggles I go through etc. The process of applying, where to find some scholarships, addressing the difference between interning and studying abroad etc.

Again if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will respond as soon as I can.

So without further ado, here's the beginnings of my second blog:

