Thursday, January 16, 2014

First few days. (Overwhelming information) 11/01/2014 -17/01/2014

Uh wow. Where do I begin? I guess I'll bullet point everything and actually write it out in blog form another day?
- Left on the 10th arrived on the 11th. Too many flight changes. What a hassle (especially in London Heathrow Airport.) Almost missed my flight at 6AM. UK time.
-Panicked about missing BUNAC orientation
-Grabbed my heavy ass luggage....and took the 3 pound bus to Haymarket, and yes we were staying at Tune Hotel.
-Still sick as fuck.
-Ended up walking around while my boyfriend Sean was messing with his phone.
-Walked around Princes Street..ate a BLT from Sainsburry
-Currency exchange sucks. 1 pound = 1.77 US dollars :[
-had mediocre (but i guess it's the closest I will find) to good pho at night.

-Ugh Currency exchange rates went up :[. 1.78 was the cheapest I could find.
-Spent the day exploring/ getting information about Edinburgh. Wow Princes Street is really long.
-Had subways at some point. Still dying and sick as fuck.
-had Shawarma..... awesome! and affordable at 4.85 pounds! Other then that not really much?...well watched Sherlock.

-walked to Scottish Parliament. Oh my god it's so far from Haymarket O_O;
-went through Security pass thing. Met Ms. Ria Robertson and got her to sign a copy of my Tier 5 Visa.
-Dealt with calling BUNAC's postal orientation.
-Created a twitter account and introduced myself to my MSP, Mark Mcdonald.
-Stumped on how to introduce myself to Mark Mcdonald in email and spent a day writing a 5 paragraph intro which.....really could have been condensed down....
-Read the Scotsman and wondered how Scotland can get rid of Bedroom tax when bedroom tax devolved powers
-Ate Fried Haggis with whisky sauce. :) delicious!

-Walked around checking hostel rates/ panicking about housing.
-called a bunch of people on gumtree/ making meetings.
-Dealt with more calling BUNAC and bank issues.
-did some emailing around. Met a UCEAP Spring Parliament Intern via email.
-housing situation may be solved? called more people.
-had American food. Learned that British lemonade = lemon juice mixed with soda? and American lemonade is mixed with water instead.

-amazing breakfast at Ryries.
-Getting lost...then realizing the super grafitti / ghetto building I overlooked is 50 Bucleach. or something like that...and meeting one of the interns, Hannah.
-UCEAP Orientation
-Amazing lunch at Blonde's. Pictures will be added soon.
-went to Edinburgh Castle...and was closed. Power outlet issues? WTF? giftshop you could see lights on.
-went to Scottish National Museum with SPI intern James
-went to tutoring session.
-Went to view flat.

-had breakfast
-went to view someone's flat....that person didn't even how up so fail?
-snp informal introduction...met the current intern, Katilyn and parliament assistant Clarice
-got a bus pass for a month.
-Had curry at Ryries
-watched episodes 2 and 3 of season 3 of sherlock.

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