Sunday, April 20, 2014

Few updates I suppose?

So I haven't touched this blog in a while, but I do have a few journals written out so yes there will be a few updates.

Journal 1

The first week has been a bit overwhelming, and it feels like I’ve opened up a Pandora’s box of mixed emotions.

On the first day, my MSP's current intern, Kaitlyn showed me around the Scottish Parliament. Essentially, I was given an overwhelming amount of information on “how to be an office manager” for my MSP. My tasks included learning how to answer phone calls, use voicemail, organize meeting rooms, email invitations, schedule events in my MSP’s diary, and get supplies etc. For me my first day of work was a bit overwhelming in the sense that I was given so much information, and I know adjusting to the environment will take me some time. On Wednesday morning, I did struggle a bit with using the phone and checking voice messages, but after asking around other interns, I was able to check voice messages. I attended another SPICE introduction, and I actually had the time to sit down and ask SPICE researchers where and how to find information. I was also able to meet my MSP. He asked me what I expected from the internship and to be honest I didn’t know how to respond, so I gave him a vague response. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with topics, but all I know is that I want to do a research portfolio focusing on Scottish Independence and local governance.

Most of my Wednesday afternoon was spent learning how to write proper email responses, and nitpicking grammar. I was also given a Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges briefing to work on, so I spent the rest of my Wednesday reading. On Thursday morning I attended a FMQ (First Minister’s Questions) and I must say I enjoyed myself quite a bit. The Labour Party spent most of their time questioning the SNP party about how Alex Salmond spent 54,000 pounds of tax payer money in one week, while the SNP argued that the 54,000 pounds accounted for a business trip promoting golf for 14 people. I agree and disagree with both the Labour and SNP Party because 54,000 pounds is quite a lot of money to spend in one week on any business trip; however, some business trips in general may cost thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. If the benefits of promotions outweigh the costs financially, I do believe that spending 54,000 pounds is justifiable. Later I ended up reading the Guardian’s perspective on the FMQ. One thing I noticed about the SNP party and other parties is that media such as BBC, Guardian, and Telegraph tends to report from the Labour party’s perspective rather than the SNP perspective so unless one actually watches the whole FMQ, one maybe left with a biased perspective.

As for the rest of my Thursday, I spent it reading about disabled persons’ parking badges. The bill basically calls for further repercussions for those whom misuse the parking badge, and allows local authority to remove the badge at any given moment. I know every other UCEAP intern went to Cowdenbeath to go campaign for the by-election, and while I am regretting that I didn't go I do want to finish my briefing first. Today was also Kaitlyn's last day, so I'm a bit sad that I won't be able to work with a wonderful mentor.

My Friday was spent on struggling how to write a briefing, and to be honest I’m still stumped on how to write a proper briefing. Overall, I’m still trying to figure out what expectations are expected from me and I do feel a little bit lost especially when it comes to writing because I actually don’t know what to include, exclude, etc. Needless to say, I am excited to seeing what happens next week and look forward to learning more about the Scottish Parliament.

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